Friday, November 1, 2013

I Love You

There is this song by Anthony Evans called I love you, this song covers a large amount of things that I actually like. So I figured I'd put it up cause I thought that was cool.

I like clear blue skies
mountains high just livin life and
I like my family being with me
Laughing hysterically
I like finding you
in the everyday things I do
yet with all that you create
nothing could ever take your place cause

I love you
For love you've given me so freely
I always will
More than songs I sing more than anything
I love you
More than life in me or the air I breathe
And I can't wait until that final day
when I see your face
Hope it won't be long

I like that every night when I see the stars
I see your eyes and
I like with a brand new start everyday
I see your heart and
I want to be your man take a step
And see your hand
With all this joy inside
There's no way I could deny

Everything you made for me and everything I've got
Well it's just your way of sending me forget me nots
Every tender mercy every brand new day
With every thing you've done for me I just have to say 
I love you 

I thought those lyrics are beast.
See you later,
-The author of life-

Nano Wrimo

     Today is the day! It is Nano Wrimo. And I'm stumped. I don't know if I'm going to continue with my story (Transparent Sea of Faces) or write a new one. However I do want to write more of my story, but I long for something fresh. However no ideas are surfacing to my mind :(. I suppose I will just have to continue my story. I suppose I still need to finish my editing so I can use that as my writing. Dude I love writing, it's a chance to make your own world, where there are now bounds. I think when I write I need to remember this more. I just hope my story isn't mega boring, and long :(


    -Who is the inspiration to the words that I write?-


            So for Halloween I went over my youth pastor's home and we gave out candy to the kids who were  trick or treating. Oh and we also handed out hot dogs to the parents. It was cool inviting people to church, and such. I personally enjoy reach beyonds. I was inviting a lady to our church, talking to her all about where it's at, and all that good stuff. You know she is all nodding her head like she understand me, and then I say "Do you know where the school is," and she says "I don't speak English," I was like fail. I just talked to this lady for like a thousand minutes, and she did not understand anything I said. So I switched off to my busted Spanish. I sounded something like this "Dios, hallelujah, Jesus Cristo, iglesia," Nah just joking lol. Yeah but, I would have liked it if she would have told me she did not understand me earlier.
         Overall the day was fun, I had fun. Oh snap! The place where my youth pastor lives has an amazing view of the sky, and when it got dark, I could see the stars. Man it looked mad beautiful, all those stars in the sky at one time. I normally only see a handful of stars at a time, but there was a bunch! It was awesome. That is why I think the sky is amazing because, it is always around you, there is no escaping the sky. And whenever I see the sky I think of God. The sky is God's art, and it's sick. There is no escaping his art, and I feel almost as if he paints a special picture in the sky for me, just to amaze me even more. It's awesome :).


-I have seen God...and he is beautiful-