Wednesday, May 1, 2013


         Hey guys since I have been re-writing my story I have taken such a different outlook on writing. The first draft was super fun, and a lot of my heart was poured out, but man the second time. It feels so great, I feel so connected to my characters, I feel like I'm digging deep into them, and discovery new things about them. I always loved when authors wrote in depth things about the stories, like a story within a story. It just pushed me to do the same, this is honestly my first time actually planning out a story, each character seems so much more important. I feel my heart and soul poured out, and it is so fun. That I as an author can change my characters into being whoever I want them to be, and unmasking things. I am just really excited, I took a break for a while, and did not write in who knows how long. I blame it on my lazy self, but ever since I have gotten back to writing I feel bad that I stopped. I just encourage you to not stop, don't give up, keep pushing forward. Writing allows me to express myself, and enter another world in a way that is amazing.

Great Writes Everyone, and Keep On we are almost there.


  1. Writing is so awesome, but don't forget that it takes a lot of work. It's so easy to write when you are inspired, but what makes a real writer is one who writes when there is no inspiration. That is the hard part and requires a level of dedication that I am still working to achieve.

  2. I was once writing a time ago, I was so happy when I was writing, and I was writing a re-write!
