Monday, February 11, 2013

Hold me now

Release the panic!! I have been listening to their album, and so far this is my favorite one, it sounds so beautiful. All of their albums just keep getting better and better, I been pouring over all of their songs and just listening to Red, hopefully this band will keep their main singer unlike Flyleaf . However that is another matter entirely, I respect Flyleaf highly, and I am waiting to see how their new singer sounds. Comment if you enjoy listening to Red. (I was gonna say love but...Nah:p)
Buy the Album and don't download it-John Cooper


  1. I actually really like this new RED album. When you have time, check out this video of the bassist, Randy Armstrong:

  2. I watched it, it was cool him talking about how his life changed so much for God. I thought it was cool especially what he said about the breeze that brushed on his hand, and he said it felt like a symbol of the weight being lifted off his back. Really Real stuff! I actually thought the video was going to be of the bassist playing Hold me know with just the bass. That is why I thought hey that's why +Shadow15 wants to learn the bass :O

  3. No, I wanted to learn how to play the bass before I watched this video. I thought it would be cool to learn something new.

  4. I think it would be cool if you learned an instrument who cares what instrument, but just learn one. I can see +Shadow15 bouncing on the bass :)
