She stood at the very edge of the cliff, she had to go down. There was absolutely no choice, someone stood behind her, and they were going to push her down the cliff. They never told her when they were going to push, only that they would...and soon. At the beginning of the waiting period she was happy, glad, she started to think that the person who stood behind her had forgotten he would push her. Yet she only had to take a peek behind her, and see that the person was still there waiting for the right time.
Soon the waiting
period became worse than the idea of falling down the cliff. She wanted the
person to push her already, she wanted to get to the bottom of the mountain
already. All this waiting she could no longer take. Even though she wanted it
to be over with, she could not bring herself to tell the person to push her
down the cliff. So she just waited. Since she had nothing to do but wait she
started to imagine what might be at the bottom of this cliff. Where there sharp
daggers at the bottom that would pierce her? Was there something soft that
would catch her? Water perhaps or maybe a cloud? Anything really was
Suddenly she was pushed down the
cliff. It had happened so suddenly, her arms flung in all directions, and the
falling seemed so quick, and sudden. Then she felt a sudden jerk, it was a hand
that had grabbed her. Suddenly she was flung onto the side of a rock. She
didn't feel pain which surprised her. The only thing that went on in her head
was that someone had grabbed her while she was falling. She stood up and looked
around, and she must have been in a crack in the cliff, or a small edge that
stuck out. She looked around for the hand that had grabbed her, and she saw
It was an old lady, she looked so
weak. How did she have the strength to have pulled her into this crack in the cliff?
So she walked up to this old woman, and thanked her. They talked for a while,
she told her about how it felt waiting at the edge of the cliff, and how she
actually wanted to be pushed down the cliff, at one point. She told her about
all her fears, and how none of them had come true. She told the old lady how
thankful she was to be saved from falling all the way down the cliff. When she told the old lady this, the old ladies face became hardened, and the old
lady told her something that she would never have expected. She told her that
she still needed to get to the bottom.
The old lady just said that this
was a pit stop, something to give her strength to continue with the journey.
She didn't understand how falling down a cliff could be a journey. She told the
old lady this. The old lady just told her that she needed to go down this
cliff. That she needed to get to the bottom. The old lady had known that she
wasn't strong enough to go down the cliff at one time. She told her she was ready
to continue down the cliff.
So the
old lady gently pushed her down the cliff, and she went on falling. It felt
different this time for her, she was no longer afraid of reaching the bottom.
The old lady had changed the experience completely, and she was so happy to
have had the old lady talk to her. As she fell down she couldn’t quite make out
what was at the bottom. Yet she felt safe, and even though as she fell down the
cliff fear gripped her, she knew she would be safe as she fell.
Or would
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