I can't believe it has been four years since I moved to Florida. On August 15th 2009 I left Puerto Rico and moved to Florida. Now here I am on August 15 2013 in Florida, life so drastically changed. I'm mainly thinking about my spiritual state four years ago. As the years are going by God has just been revealing Himself to me in a brand new way. God has been so gracious to me. I just pray that God continues to reveal Himself to me, and that I keep growing in Him.
No crazy party happened haha, it just kind of snuck up on us. Yesterday life was just happening and then one of my siblings says something like,"Hey did you know that tomorrow is our four year anniversary." I'm like "Had no clue!" Time just flies by (no joke). A question often asked to me is: What do you like better, Florida or New York? (What happened to P.R.? Lol.) Normally I'm like well I liked New York... so New York. However if you ask me now I'll say Florida. Alot of good things happened in Florida that stuck with me.
You see in New York I was mad young so it didn't hold much of an impact on me. I mean don't get me wrong, I liked the buildings, the seasons, all that cool stuff. Yet Florida won because I was older and alot happened it Florida. God met me, I know it sounds funny. But He stooped down to my level of sinful blehness, and met me. He scooped me up, and loved me, and just revealed Himself to me. He was like "Hey you remember that book you always read called the bible? You know that amazing guy that it's always talking about? Well yeah that's me. The you know, Creator of the universe. The only one you are ever going to meet that's perfect. All me."
Crazy how my God, stepped down to come to my level to reveal Himself to me. That now, all those words I read in the bible, every word that I ever heard about God finally bounced back at me, and meant the world. So when I think of Florida I think of my spiritual growth with God and the journey he has taken me on.
Another big one is the people, the people at my church is a big one. Like I feel like I have a little family, funny cause I read a verse in the bible that said what does the rich and the poor man have in common? Jesus! So that just made me think of the people in my church different races, different backgrounds, but Jesus unites us. It's great to serve God with a bunch of other brothers, and sisters that love God. You got so many people looking after you, and just loving on you. It's great! So when I think of Florida I think of a christian family.
So God and the people are the big part. (If only Florida has seasons XD) Florida is great, and these four years have been a blast.
God Is Good! All the time God is good!
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