Thursday, April 11, 2013

School Is Almost Over (And We are Strangers)

May 31st 2013 School is over, my sophomore year is flying by. Being home-schooled was definitely a change. My sophomore year didn’t feel as eventful, however I sort of felt like I had more time. School was easy, and not as challenging as I feared, and now I just have to pass all the final exams, and I’m off to a junior. Now it is up to choosing the next class, and study like a mad women. For some reason I felt like my sophomore year or maybe just the year 2013, or maybe it was just being home-schooled. I defiantly feel like 2012-2013 was like an eternity. For some reason my freshman year just flew by, and my sophomore year felt so long, but now that I look back it feels so quick. I am quite happy school will be over, then I’ll dive into summer, and my brain will fry in the heat.
Then in August I’m back in school repeating the same process, of jamming information into my brain, and spitting all back on a piece of paper. Now that we are getting towards the end of the school year exams are piling up (like I said before). The one thing that especially do not like about school is semester exams, and EOC the things that decide who you are, how good you are, and what you will be. At least that is how it is taught; get good grades so you can get a scholarship. Graduate in college so you will have a good job, get a good job so that you can get money, and work your way into the American Dream.  I guess to normal people that seem pretty reasonable. Which makes me think: if my life was wired around this I don’t know how I would survive.
If getting a GED and a job was the point of my life, I would be quite terrible. I wouldn’t really have anything to live for. Thank God for God!  I actually have a reason in this life, and it is not as petty as the American Dream. That living for Christ is the only thing exciting, or rather what gives me excitement for everything else that I do. I couldn’t go to school (Or FLVS) and be content and want to do well without Christ. Everything I do I wouldn’t be doing unless I had Christ. I would be a terribly grumpy person with no joy in my life without Christ. This makes me think of this verse:
 Hebrews 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth
We do not belong on earth; we should feel like strangers here. We should never feel comfortable here because if we do what will make us want to leave. What will burn inside of us longing for Heaven? We can’t! I don’t and won’t long for nothing more than heaven and being with my savior, and it is these things that push me to press on and continue, it is the joy of the Lord that keeps me going. This is why I can see joy in this life because I know what will come after it.
Funny…How I meant to just talk about school, and now I am talking about being a stranger to Earth. I guess all this to say School is ending, and I am excited for the summer, and God makes me happy!
Until next BLOG

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