I was thinking about the verse Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know my plans for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans for a hope, and a future." This verse kind of redefines all of our plans. God knows the plans he has for us, and this most definitely will change the plans we had for ourselves. He knows the ultimate plan for our lives that will prosper us, and bring us hope for our future. So our plans that we have dished out probably won't coincide with Gods plan.
That is why even thou most of us have plans for our lives, which is not a bad thing. It is good to have plans for your life, but just be ready for it to get rearranged by God. So even if in my mind I might have things that I would like to be, or goals I want to reach. I know that I need to lean on God, not to worry about the future. God holds the future, worrying about tomorrow will get us no were. He will take care of everything, if something we thought was supposed to happen in our lives does not happen, we should not be caught of guard. Or start questioning God's command in our lives, which is something I believe we are all guilty of.
We wonder if God is no longer there, we doubt his control, we start to do things in our own way. What we think is the best. In the previous blog called Trust him, talks about the control that God has over our lives, and the trust that we need to have in him. Not to wonder off to other paths that we think is best or looks good, but to stay with God. Knowing he has control, I think knowing that God has control over my life really makes everything so much simpler.
Even if for a moment if I start to think something like this, "What if-" boom I cut myself off. What if? is not that best started point. What if this doesn't happen? What if that doesn't go this way? I don't need to go What if? Because I know God is in control. I don't need to worry about what might happen, because if God has control, if something I thought should happen does not happen, God had bigger plans. So the plan that you thought was right, was not the right one. I think its once we start to act in control, that is the point in which we lose it.
When we put God in with our plan, then things start to work. When we count on him, pray to him, talk to him, grow with him. Our plans start to coincide. Soon I want what he wants for my life. I am depending more on what God wants for my life. Depending on God, and walking through your thoughts with him. Discuss your plans with him, and see if they work with his. Does this sound Godly? Is this something that will help me grow in my faith? Questions like that.
Be dependent on God, Trust God he is in control.
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