We have been walking for hours I cannot really see, everything seems so dark, but he has my hand in his hand so I know that I am safe. I keep seeing this bright light to my left but he is walking away from it, the light look so much more comforting, it looks safer. I cannot understand why we are walking away from it. I feel his grip tighten he whispers,
"Trust me,"
I move closer to him, my head slowly moves forward, ignoring the bright light to my left.
"Why don't we go that way?" I ask
"It is not safe, trust me," He pulled me closer to his side and we keep walking forward. I feel the tree roots stabbing into my feet, and the light is moving farther away. I stop moving my feet, he stopped abruptly and I felt his gaze on me.
"I don't want to keep walking this way, can we please head towards that light? It is down there to our left." I looked up at him waiting for his response
" Please follow me," He looked down at me, his eyes looked sad.
I let go of his hand and looked towards the light, it looked so close, I could make it.
I dare not look at his face now, so I turn around and head towards the light, I did not hear his feet. I figured he must have kept walking on without me. As I got closer to the light joy spread throughout me, what was he thinking taking me all the way out there, it was safer here. As I got closer I could barely make out the scene, but I saw an orange light. It must have been a huge bonfire, I quickly increased my pace, I was so excited to get there.
I stopped dead in my tracks at what I saw. It was a huge fire that was burning down buildings, everything was burnt, or burning. I heard screams, and I saw the people who were responsible. Their was a group of men who stood very tall throwing oil on the houses, and lighting them up. Tears filled my eyes, he was right this place was dangerous. I turned around, and started running,
"Hey you," One of the tall men yelled.
They had seen me, I ran and ran, the tall man stopped following me, but I kept running. I knew he must have left me but, either way I kept running away from the fire, I needed to get away from the flames. I saw a man standing in the exact same place I had left him, and fear gripped me. As I got closer I noticed it was him, I stopped dead in my tracks. He was standing there, and he slowly sat on the floor, and began to cry softly. How could I meet him now, I had left him, I had not trusted him, and now I had hurt him. I thought of running back to the flames, I could not confront him, but I listened and he was whispering my name.
He was saying my name, saying it softly in the darkness, then louder, and louder. He was calling me back to him, saying my name in the darkness, crying for me to come back to him. I slowly walked towards him, and with the increase of volume of his voice my pace grew faster, and faster until I met him. He turned and opened his arms wide, and I jumped into them.
"Forgive me, I did not trust you," I cried in his arms.
"Shh you were lost and now you are found, you are back in my arms, will you trust me?"
I nodded my head quickly, and gripped his hand I would never leave him again. I would keep walking with him no matter what. I had not trusted him, and now I knew better, I had thought I knew a better way to go, but I was wrong, only he knew.
I suddenly realized we were standing in a green grass plane, I had not noticed we left the forest. I had realized that light was all around me. Yet for some reason when I was with him, I felt as if the light was already there. The natural light that I was greeted seemed fake. I saw people laughing and smiling, having a good time. There were couples holding hands, and having a picnic music playing loudly. Everyone seemed to be having a grand time. Yet no one seemed to take notice of our entrance, it was as if they were in a trance.
I assumed we were there so I loosened my grip.
"We are not there yet," He smiled at me, and I slowly looked up at him. I looked at the people having a fun time, I wanted to go with them.
"But isn't this what you were talking about. You said when I followed you I would have happiness, I would be safe, isn't this place these things?" I asked.
He looked at the people sadly and said,
"Many stopped there journey here, many let go of my hand at this place, and made it there home. But this is not the happiness I speak of, this is not the safety I have for you." He looked away from the people and looked straight.
I had never thought that I was not the first person that had followed him.
"Do you know any of these people?" I asked.
"I knew each and everyone one of these," He said.
"Why do none of them greet you, why has no one approached you?" I asked.
"They have forgotten me, they do not remember what I look like. They have forgotten my promise, and they no longer know me," He said sadly.
I reached towards his hand,
"I do not want to be like them, I want to be with you," I said.
He smiled down at me, and grabbed my hand.
"Then we must continue," He said,
We left the green place, thou I must admit I did look back a few times, I almost left him. Yet I kept remembering how he had waited for me, and how he had forgiven me. I did not want to leave him, and I would indeed keep walking with him. I will keep waiting no matter what I would keep my eyes focused, because I know he is not lying to me. How could he, here I am holding his hand, even if he was lying I would keep walking with him, I would keep holding his hand, I would keep following him.
I realized as we kept walking he was the happiness that was promised, he was the safety that was promised. I stopped in dead in my tracks and looked up at him,
"It's you," I said. He stopped and looked down at me.
"You are the promise you spoke of. You are the happiness, and the safety, you spoke of." I said.
He smiled down at me, and nodded his head.
"Our journey never ends does it?" I looked up at him.
"Never," he smiled "But knowing that you will always have to walk with me, will you keep following me? We will pass by many places that will turn your head, many times you will feel tired, but will you keep walking with me?"
"Always," I said," I will keep following you, I won't stop, I will follow you no matter what. I feel the love with you, and I feel your promises, what more could I want?" I smiled up at him.
I noticed a tear slide down his cheek, he looked at me and smiled.
"Promise you won't leave me, many have walked far with me, but they left me. Many took there own roads to fill there happiness, and safety." He said.
"But it won't be real, at least it can't be how it feels now. It won't be true, it will be like the light. I thought it was safe, I mean I thought it would be safe, but it wasn't. Just like you said," I held to him, "I'm staying with you, I promise."
I liked how it was like, (in my opinion) Hell, Earth, Heaven! Grrrrreat post!